Our group offers over 35 years of working experience in Atlantic Canada's energy industries. We specialize in business development services to organizations and projects in Atlantic Canada's energy industry.The 7th annual Renewable Energy Conference will be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, April 11-12. This conference is a prominent networking event for the energy sector of Atlantic Canada and New England. Focus will be on leading technologies including wind, tidal, smart grid, bioenergy, solar, and geothermal projects as well as feed-in-tariffs and efficiency programs. As plans unfold for the Lower Churchill Falls project discussion will also focus on the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead for the subsea and onland transmission infrastructure between Atlantic Canada and New England. Read more about the conference and find out how to register at www.energyevent.caOther Jameson Consulting Group events include the Invest Atlantic Conference, the Energy Smart Workshop (formerly Energy Solutions),and Energy for Students.