EEE Consulting, Inc. (3e) is a dynamic and progressive certified small business that specializes in environmental studies, environmental engineering, environmental education, and planning. We have a broad experience base, having worked with federal, state, and local governments and a variety of private sector firms on thousands of projects across the country. Our services include:- Natural resource studies (i.e., wetland delineation, stream evaluations, endangered & threatened species studies)- RCRA/CERCLA studies- Environmental Impact Review- NEPA Documentation- Stream Restoration Design- MS-4 Permit Compliance- Phase I, II, & III Environmental Site Assessments- Environmental permitting- SPCC Plan Development- AST, UST, & hazardous materials management- Ecological & Human Health Risk Assessments- Industrial hygiene, including lead and asbestos management- Erosion & sediment control- Nutrient Management Planning- Land Use Planning studies and evaluations- Noise studies- Stormwater management & compliance, including Low Impact Development- Solid waste permitting, closure, and gas and groundwater monitoring- Rezoning applications- Environmental compliance training- Environmental education program development and delivery - Landscape ArchitectureWe are employee-owned, with a challenging, flexible, and rewarding work environment. We serve clients across the Mid-Atlantic region from our offices in Virginia.