Owner, Licensed Acupuncturist / Herbalist at Acupuncture Connections - Northborough, MA, US
Acupuncture is a proven safe and effective medical therapy that has been practiced for thousands of years. At Acupuncture Connections we are part of the change in the way healthcare is practiced in America by educating the people in our local communities on the many benefits of Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine while keeping prices affordable. The difference at our clinic is that you choose the price you pay for acupuncture treatments using a sliding scale of $20-40 per visit. Your appointment begins with a private consultation followed by treatment in a traditional group setting. Chinese Medicine can help many conditions – but only if you can afford your treatments.\\Acupuncture and herbal medicine treat a wide range of conditions including: traumas or sports injuries, women's health or fertility issues, chronic illnesses including auto-immune diseases, arthritis, acute or chronic pain, digestive issues, stress, fatigue, and many others.