The objective of the Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti is to promote applied and policy oriented research in economics on the following main topics:- The causes of European unemployment, its social costs and the political feasibility of strategies aimed at liberalising EU labour markets;- The reform of public pension systems in light of demographic trends and the ongoing transformation of capital markets and of the political economy limits tof the reforms;- The harmonisation co-ordination of social and immigration policies in the European Union as a precondition for effective labour mobility across EU countries;- The dynamics of poverty and inequalities and the role played in this respect by the welfare systems.In addition to publishing the proceedings of the conferences, the Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti produces a newsletter published in the Fondazione’s webpage.The Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti offers a data archive on social policy reforms and EU labour markets. The material collected at the Fondazione can be of help to economics students working on dissertations in this field and to researchers interested in these issues. In order to be included in the mailing list of the Fondazione or to have more information about our activities, please write to