Benefit Title Services is an independent title insurance agency underwritten by Westcor Land Title Insurance Company and WFG National Title Insurance Company. We serve the entire state of Florida from our Tampa headquarters, and have ranked in the top 10% of all title companies in the country doing business in the state of Florida. We utilize the most advanced title production software in the Industry. Resware allows us to customize workflow processes for Clients, automate production and distribution of weekly status reports to all parties involved in a closing, and reap many gains in internal operating efficiency which translates into smoother closings for everyone. We also have a real-time Client Web Portal where users can get closing cost estimates based on their unique fee schedule, upload Calyx and FNMA compliant files to open a new order, receive an automatic acknowledgment of order placement along with a draft HUD, view documents and tasks related to closing, exchange and view file related notes, and much more.We've done away with paper files so anyone who answers the phone can quickly access your information and see all the documents, notes, and tasks required to be completed before closing. Our staff averages 24 years of title insurance experience. Our competitive rates are designed with the consumer in mind, and our customer focused service keep clients coming back.I invite you to call Benefit Title the next time you are selling, buying or refinancing real estate in Florida. Rest Assured, we'll take care of you!