Supervisor Técnico at New Safety Sistemas Contra Incêndio - Louveira, São Paulo, Brazil
New Safety is much more than a company of Fire Systems, our concern goes beyond a simple sale of equipment, assembly of a system, we want to be always with the client providing the after sale to so that it has the security that you have one supplier plus one partner. Behind our services, there are several teams with trained professionals through national and international institutions dedicated exclusively to Fire Systems. New Safety is an active member of NFPA, NAFED, we participate in congresses, courses and seminars seeking updating and training to better serve them. Our services and products follow carefully the national and international lesgislações of our follow up, we work in tune with the major business insurers such as FM Global, XL Gap, Global Risk among others. Seeking to secure our operations, New Safety has a comprehensive insurance policy that includes the liability coverage of R $ 10,000,000.00. Following our business philosophy, the insurance policy is intended to add to our work, placing the quality of our services and customer safety first. New Safety is proud of the work done over the years, we know that our activity is discreet to the eyes, but it is fundamental to ensure lives and assets. When thinking about Fire Systems, think beyond, think NEW SAFETY