Global Programme Coordinator at Mixed Migration Centre (MMC) - Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Head of Mixed Migration Centre (MMC) Eastern & Southern Africa | Yemen and Egypt
The Mixed Migration Centre (MMC) is a leading source for independent and high quality data, information, research and analysis on mixed migration. Through the provision of credible evidence and expertise on mixed migration, the MMC aims to support agencies, policy makers and practitioners to make well-informed decisions, to positively impact global and regional migration policies, to contribute to protection and assistance responses for people on the move and to stimulate forward thinking in the sector responding to mixed migration. The MMC's overarching focus is on human rights, protection and assistance. The MMC was established in February 2018. It brings together various existing regional initiatives – hosted or led by the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) – already engaged in data collection, research, analysis and policy development on mixed migration issues. This includes RMMS East Africa & Yemen, RMMS West Africa, the Mixed Migration Platform (MMP) in the Middle East, the Global Mixed Migration Secretariat (GMMS) in Geneva and different programmes of the Mixed Migration Monitoring Mechanism Initiative (4Mi). The MMC is part of, and governed by the Danish Refugee Council. While its institutional link to DRC ensures MMC's work is grounded in operational reality, it acts as an independent source of data, research, analysis and policy development on mixed migration for policy makers, practitioners, journalists, and the broader humanitarian sector. The 38 staff members of MMC are based in Geneva and Copenhagen and in its regional hubs Amman, Dakar, Nairobi, Tunis, Bogota and Bangkok, where it works in close cooperation with regional partners, stakeholders and donors. The position of the MMC does not necessarily reflect the position of DRC.