HCOMM ME is a spin off of the Hsign Srl, an interior design & architecture company founded in Italy about 40 years ago: the Hcomm Multisensorial/Multimedia Rooms are the culmination of 12 years of research about the interaction between man and living space.Our dream was to create a space able to adapt to the needs of the inhabitants by supporting them emotionally, psychologically and physically in their daily activities - "The Fluid Space".Hcomm has developed products and services that support the changes accelerated by the ongoing pandemic and respond to the new needs of the business, entertainment, art and living world.In the Hcomm immersive multimedia/multisensory rooms, all 5 senses are involved through environmental stimulations, designed by our team of psychologists, neurologists and hypnotists.Users will be able to easily manage audio, video, smells, climate, light, frequency system and scenic effects by creating the desired environment, or they will choose multisensory scenarios, wellness programs and many others, already available on the services platform.Hcomm solutions are fully bespoken on customer requests and can be integrated into any existing living space. Hcomm specializes in design spaces for home, business, entertainment, events and wellness centers.