Sharon is a multi-dimensional Spiritual Healer focusing on "Matters of the Heart." Her teachings are based on her personal understandings and beliefs that balance transmutes all healing, and her deep desire to share this healing with others. Her work is rooted in the spiritual knowledge and wisdom that much illness whether it be physical, emotional, or physiological comes from the distorted seeds planted deep within, at the root of all is the illness of our spirit. Her teachings have one purpose, to embolden others in the healing of their own spirit. Sharon teaches that our deepest spiritual wounds are just the illusion of being separate from the Source that created us, it is only the trickery of our minds that creates our sense of separation. She is a bringer of light helping the awakening of one's soul to its truest and most natural knowing, that Divine love through the balancing of our mind, body, and spirit is the seeds of wisdom to all healing. Her natural abilities to discern and transmute energy comes from a heart of compassion and a deep desire to help bring about this spiritual awakening and healing in others. She is light, a guide here to awaken the consciousness of one's soul and the discovery of our truth. Spiritual and physical healing and growth is the positive change one experiences when the energies of our mind, body, and spirits become aligned with our HEARTS opening us up to our true power which exists at a higher vibrational level which has led to profound and positive changes in both her life the lives of those she shares her message with.