PhD student in computational social science at MINES ParisTech - Ecole des mines de Paris - Saint-Michel, Hauts-de-France, FR
Auteure de "Coacher avec la Co-orientation©, guider les diplômés vers leur projet de vie."
Since its fondation in 1783, MINES ParisTech trained very high level engineers, capable of resolving complex problems in quite varied fields. First school in France by its volume of contractual research, MINES ParisTech generates an important level of activity of research in the industrial field. Its domains of research extend from energy to material science, applied mathematics, geosciences and economic and social sciences. The school also encourages the creation of chairs for education and research on emerging themes. MINES ParisTech is a founding member of ParisTech, which brings together 12 of the Parisian higher schools of engineering and management.