Digital Laundry is a media-based communications company. Our foundation is decades of award-winning broadcast TV experience. Our goal is to combine the highest production values with creative storytelling to connect businesses and organizations with their stakeholders and the people they serve. Our sweet spot? Better branding through long-form advertising. Located in Harlem, our state-of-the-art green screen studio and edit suites will give you the highest quality production and post-production content. From simple space rentals to complete media development, Digital Laundry provides expertise tailored to your requirements.Looking to preserve what you already have? We deliver large-scale conversion, metadata creation, and comprehensive asset management all within our secure, purpose-built Manhattan facility. Utilizing the most powerful best-of-breed technology available, analog and digital tape media is converted into fully searchable, retrievable, and secure archived files. No in-house or post-production solution is as safe, efficient, and cost-effective.Whether generating new content or upgrading media for a digital world, we view media from an industry end-user's perspective. Your content is our number one priority.