Data where applicable,Intuition where needed...At Data Intuitive, we measure what is tangible and apply (statistical) data analysis (including 'Big Data') whenever applicable. But we also know when to stop measuring and analyzing. This is where experience and gut feeling comes in. The intuitive approach employs our brain power without falling pray to its many biases. We tackle these approaches from a practical as well as a theoretical point of view.Good decisions can be based on data or intuition and in many cases a combination of both. Service Management offers a good application environment.We advise organizations in (re) evaluating service levels and performance, data mining, business intelligence, data analysis, forecasting, warehousing, optimization and decision making practices.A new approach to dealing with information, analysis, visualization, understanding and change, borrowing from a number of fields: neuroscience, psychology, behavioral economics, statistics, etc. Data Intuitive (DI) aims to combine this knowledge in order to tackle challenges in all fields and industries.