We Conquer the Complex. Based in Tulsa, OK we founded Bluestem Integrated to not only provide superior web-enabled, print-on-demand capabilities using the latest digital printing and finishing equipment but also to give you easy access to them. To streamline your printing. To simplify management and distribution of your marketing materials and graphics packages. To cut waste, eliminate stress, and increase responsiveness—all from a single-source solution. Go ahead, make it easy on yourself.It Doesn't Get Any Easier Than This. We provide your company with a secure web portal, customized with your brand logo and colors. This serves as your single-point resource to manage and distribute your printed marketing and informational collateral. You control who has access, and you designate whether the print collateral is distributed to a central location or direct to the designated end user.To make it even easier, we host and manage the portal, and make it accessible 24/7/365 via an independent web address or through links on your company intranet or website.