Children's Hope In Action (CHIA) is an Australian grass-roots charity working in Hoi An, Quang Nam Vietnam. Founded in 2006 CHIA believes passionately that it is the right of every child to be raised within a nurturing familial environment and have access to essential services which are often taken for granted by people living in the developed world. We focus our efforts and resources in five key areas – health, disability, education, housing and residential support. \ \Quang Nam is one of the poorest provinces in Vietnam, with a high percentage of the population earning a living from basic agriculture, construction and other labor-intensive industries. The quality of health infrastructure is relatively poor when compared with other areas of Vietnam and people living in rural areas are particularly disadvantaged. CHIA focuses on providing services in the 5 districts of Hoi An, Thang Binh, Duy Xuyen, Que Son and Dien Ban, which have a combined population of about 753,000 people. CHIA aims to provide a range of services to at least 450 children per month.