Our goal is to be the leading provider of safety management software for small to medium enterprises globally. By providing software products that increases interaction between all employees and management, enabling real time access to vital information whilst enhancing the focus on safety in the workplace.Safetyminder is a Work, Health & Safety Software program which enables companies to use their existing WH&S paperwork system with our innovative software. At the same we increase exposure of your safety system to all team members through our mobile app which is used by every person within your company to maintain their own profiles and complete designated tasks required under your WH&S system.Safetyminder utilises a centralised web page to oversee all activities, with an interactive calendar to ensure all tasks are completed as per their required time schedule. Covering everything from Administrative requirements, Asbestos management, Injury Management including investigations, Plant & Equipment requirements, Training planning and management as well as individual staff profiles which can be updated live by your team.