The Medical Zone, located in Mooresville, NC, is dedicated raising awareness of and providing quality products and services for the treatment and prevention of venous disorders. As an accredited durable medical equipment company, we work with integrity to abide by HIPPA rules and standards. We strive to provide the highest quality medical products, best service, and most competitive prices for all the products we carry. We offer medical grade occupational health products such as compression garments, orthotics and bracing. The company was founded on the premise that there are many different medical products out there that can help prevent different medical issues. Whether its swelling of the legs, foot pain, or lower back pain we have the preventative products to make our customers lives better. Our focus is on giving our customers a specialized service that addresses and impacts the following venous issues: Tired achy legs, night cramps, swollen ankles, varicose veins, spider veins, hardening and thickening of the skin, dermatitis, and leg ulcers. Through our OccFit Solutions program, we work on a national scale with companies in the industrial, manufacturing and travel industries to provide quality products focused on minimizing health issues related to venous issues arising from standing or sitting for long periods of time.