Lean Manufacturing Consultant at International Standard for Lean Six Sigma - Londonderry, NH, US
The Global Lean Six Sigma Registry (GLSSR) mission to satisfy a need for an archive of Lean Six Sigma practitioners and to validate that certificate holders level of understanding
We are a global community, uniting all White Belt (WB), Yellow Belt (YB), Green Belt (GB), Project Managers (PM), Black Belt (BB), Master Back Belt (MBB), Project Sponsor (PS), Deployment Champion (DC), Executive Leader (EL), Kaizen Practitioner or Facilitator or Lean Master, Auditors, Continuous Improvement, Management Consultants, Program Managers, Business Owners, Students, Professors, & Engineers.We are a central hub for author’s books, articles, white papers, podcasts, blogs, events and conferences. Consultants, and thought leaders are visiting regularly to support members in projects, productivity, training, skills development, coaching, mentoring, financials, statistical software, simulation, teams, organizational development, and more…. We practice in every Industry and have private subgroups for special topics such as Healthcare, Private Sector, Jobs, BPM, Information Technology, Kaizen, & Operational Excellence