project coordinator at Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization - Oakland Park, FL, US
Speak Up Broward is listening. It's time for the people of Broward to speak up about how we get around today - and how we want to get around tomorrow. In coordination with the Commitment 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan Update, the Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization (Broward MPO) has started an important conversation with our community that will lead us to an action plan and timeline to expand our transportation choices. One of the most important things our leaders can do is to listen. Transportation affects our lives every day. Learn how you can be a part of the conversation to help us. The Broward MPO is a transportation policy-making board comprised of 19 voting members including representatives from the South Florida Regional Transportation Authority/Tri-Rail (SFRTA), the Broward County School Board, and three Broward County Commissioners. There are an additional 19 Alternate members of the board, who have voting rights when others are absent. The MPO is responsible for transportation planning and funding allocation in Broward County. The Broward MPO works with the public, planning organizations, government agencies, elected officials, and community groups to develop transportation plans. The Broward MPO's vision is to transform transportation in Broward County to achieve optimum mobility with emphasis on mass transit while promoting economic vitality, protecting the environment, and enhancing quality of life.