Since 2007, our customers have created over a thousand jobs in paint finishing, opened new facilities, expanded existing ones, and brought millions in production back to the USA. Improved paint finishing operations have added greater than $650 million to their businesses. The average project ROI is less than 5 months. Annual benefit can exceed tens of millions.Our core business is improving complex, high volume production paint line productivity, efficiency, throughput, and reliability to maximize the whole investment return in your facility, minimize risk, and achieve real and substantial environmental benefit.We offer turn-key services for,• Optimizing ABB and Fanuc AdPro/Prime/Base/Clear/Anti-Chip. paint systems.• Product launch support including rack design, robot programming,. spray trials, and launch. • Paint defect analysis resolution, often in one day.• Low cost paint audits that identify improvements and accurately. estimate cost and benefit.• Robot installation and integration.• Control integration for paintshop conveyors, washers, ovens,. air houses, booth balancing, temperature and humidity control,. air system management, sludge systems, all paint application. equipment, and paint supply systems.• Operational Training so you can maintain your competitive advantage.Want to get better fast? Give Joe a call @ (708) 663-8705