JRM Technologies, Inc (JRM) is a small business, founded in 1998, with a vision of bringing better predictive physics, sensor phenomenology and realism to all areas of military sensor simulation. JRM expertise ranges from high-fidelity, real-time training simulators and hardware-in-the-loop (HWIL) stimulator applications, to very high-fidelity, non-real-time multi- and hyper-spectral scene generation. Since then, JRM's SigSim, SenSim, OSV, GenesisMC, and CHIMAERA products have advanced that vision, bringing advanced synthetic environment, signature, propagation, and sensor-effects modeling to a broad range of sensor simulation applications throughout the LWIR (7-14um) and MWIR (3-5um). SenSim was the first product to be developed in the 1998 timeframe. SigSim development began around 2000/2001, first with material systems and atmospherics, then with BRDF development. Then SigSimRT and SenSimRT were developed to allow easier integration with existing IGs. Over the past 15 years, JRM has steadily added to the capabilities, including radar and sonar simulation, as well as integration with additional IG solutions.JRM's sensor products have been purchased and installed in the commercial market domestically and internationally. All JRM systems include customizations to provide customer-unique requirements.