Rogerio Silva

ANALISTA ADMINISTRATIVO CONTRATOS PLENO at Bimetal Industria Metalurgica LTDA - , Mexico City, Mexico

Rogerio Silva's Contact Details
["+55 65 2123-5038","+20 13 033106","+65 21235000","+55 65 2123-5001","+55 65 2123-5000","+257 451547612104","+55 6592276306","+20 13 040922"]
São Paulo,State of São Paulo,Brazil
Bimetal Industria Metalurgica LTDA
Rogerio Silva's Company Details
Bimetal Industria Metalurgica LTDA logo, Bimetal Industria Metalurgica LTDA contact details

Bimetal Industria Metalurgica LTDA

, Mexico City, Mexico • 1001 - 5000 Employees

Segmento de Torres de Aço.

Details about Bimetal Industria Metalurgica LTDA
Frequently Asked Questions about Rogerio Silva
Rogerio Silva currently works for Bimetal Industria Metalurgica LTDA.
Rogerio Silva's role at Bimetal Industria Metalurgica LTDA is ANALISTA ADMINISTRATIVO CONTRATOS PLENO.
Rogerio Silva's email address is *** To view Rogerio Silva's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Rogerio Silva works in the Construction industry.
Rogerio Silva's colleagues at Bimetal Industria Metalurgica LTDA are Selma Sabino, Virginia Mendes, Walter Walterkawahara, Evanildo Oliveira, Fatima Santana, Michel Romero, Elton Ventura and others.
Rogerio Silva's phone number is ["+55 65 2123-5038","+20 13 033106","+65 21235000","+55 65 2123-5001","+55 65 2123-5000","+257 451547612104","+55 6592276306","+20 13 040922"]
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