REGENT COMPUTRONICS PVT. LTD. is a Company incorporated in 1991 under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956. Since its inception to 1995, the Company manages the Interactive DATABASE on Indian Laws which covers Judgments on Indian Laws and Acts, Rules, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Schemes etc of Indian Government and all State Governments. The success of the Company is the result of skills, expertise, experience, intellectual and analytic abilities of both of the Directors and contribution made by sincere and hardworking staff.Company's range of information products encompasses traditional and new media formats including:CD ROMsE-PUBLICATIONONLINE THELAWSCLOUD ERPADVOCATE LAW DIARYLAW DIARY ON MOBILE / TABLAT PCThe Laws - Encyclopedia of Indian Laws. It covers All High Court and Supreme Court Judgments with Central and Local State Acts. Provide Daily Online Update Facility.