M&N Business Intelligence India LLP is involved at enabling faster, easier and more convenient reporting, report development, predictive analytics and forecasting through data compression and sql reduction. The firm follows the principles of Goldratt(the write of 'The Goal') and 'The Deming Way'. The company's products have been designed so that the solutions are easy to deploy, easy to deliver easy to use and convenient to maintain. The solutions seek to offer immediate and confirmed peace of mind and satisfaction to the end clients by lowering the implemenattion time of the solutions and ensuring high quality by matching the audit numbers with the audit numbers in the source software.The modules on offer are in the following domains.Inventory optimization: http://mndatasolutionsindia.blogspot.in/2018/03/developing-optimization-module-for.htmlLedger optimization: http://mndatasolutionsindia.blogspot.in/2018/03/accounts-payable-ageingaccounts.htmlHospital inventory optimization: http://mndatasolutionsindia.blogspot.in/2018/03/Hospitalanalytics.htmlConstruction analytics optimization: http://mndatasolutionsindia.blogspot.in/2018/03/construction-analytics-using-turbodata.htmlGST filing: http://mndatasolutionsindia.blogspot.in/2018/03/proud-to-announce-first-integrated-gst.htmlOur prior end clients have included companies in India such as Nfinity(Tableau), Ernst and Young, Max Hospitals etc.