Director General of Governmental Office on European integration and NATO
Secretariat of Cabinet of Ministers provides: 1) preparation of holding sessions of Cabinet of Ministers and governmental committees; 2) activity of prime Minister, First vice-prime minister, vice-prime ministers and ministers which do not head the ministry; 3) Secretariat of Cabinet of Ministers prepares and submits for approval to the First vice-prime minister, to vice-prime Minister in accordance with their jurisdiction plans of organization of preparation of projects of acts necessary for providing of realization of laws of Ukraine and organization of implementation of decrees of President of Ukraine and decisions of Verkhovna Rada. 4) Documents addressed to Cabinet of Ministers, prime Minister, First vice-prime minister, vice-prime ministers and other public authorities are registered in Secretariat of Cabinet of Ministers, which works over them and prepares for consideration and decision-making by Cabinet of Ministers and noted public servants. 5) For the analysis and preparation of materials on questions, which are examined by Cabinet of Ministers, Secretariat of Cabinet of Ministers can ask the central and local organs of executive power, enterprises, establishments and organizations necessary materials. 6) Work with documents addressed to Cabinet of Ministers is carried out in Secretariat of Cabinet of Ministers in accordance with this Regulation, and also to Order of work with documents and organization of office work in Secretariat of Cabinet of Ministers, which is asserted by Minister of Cabinet of Ministers.Etc.