Plásticos Bahi Ltda is a company based in Brazil. Plásticos Bahi Ltda. was founded on 19/01/1955. Based on the experience already gained in the field of plastic injection, Mr. Adib Bahi founded the company in partnership with his son, Sérgio Adib Bahi.The company started its activities with 4 hydraulic manual closing machines and 10 employees in the industrial area. All administrative functions were under the responsibility of the partners. The occupied area was then 400m2, with a production of 500kg/month, using polyethylene and polystyrene as raw materials.The company served the wholesale houseware market, with products such as sugar bowls, butter and strainers. Over time, Bahi started to seek the industrial market, developing bungs and successively expanding its lines to custom boxes, lids, tubes, pots and technical parts.Today, Bahi has been in the market for 66 years, always focusing on quality (ISO9001:2015 Certification), serving the pharmaceutical, automotive, cosmetic, food, chemical, etc. market.We are always looking to innovate, aggregate and meet market and customer demands.Plásticos Bahi Ltda – 66 years of experience, tradition and quality.