LOOKING BACK, LOOKING FORWARD Chris Dwyer and Martin Vaughan established Core Consulting Group in 2006, as one of Melbourne's first specialised PMO consultancies. Over the years we have been joined by some extremely talented innovative people, providing training, advice, hands on support and thought leadership in Project, Program and Portfolio Management.In recent years, we have focused on more on Enterprise tools, combining proven Portfolio Management delivery with the evolving Agile delivery approaches and culture. This has seen an emerging service offering where the focus is on productivity and collaboration, working within a strong Governance construct. Project, Program and Portfolio Management Capability uplift means selecting the right projects, with a clear sense of priority then delivering them efficiently and effectively while catering to rapid change. Clear Governance, with decisions by the right people, well structured and ideally co-located teams with heavy user invovlement and a focus on strategic outcomes.For more information, see our web site www.coreconsulting.com.au or call us on (03) 9654 0561.