Director of Mine Relations (CAN/US) ~ Responsibly Mined Gold ~ MinaVerde (Cayenne, GF) at MINAVERDE - Paris, Île-de-France, France
We bring awareness and responsible practices to the key actors in the gold industry regarding the social and environmental harm generated by customary gold mining practices. We present the challenges and the overall benefits of responsible gold mining (RGM). To create a sustainable and traceable eco-responsible gold sector for the benefit of each actor in the industry, from the artisanal miner (ASGM) through to the end-consumer.We work to ensure that the gold mining sector puts at its core, the respect for and the maintenance of biodiversity so as to guarantee the well-being of local populations and more broadly the inhabitants that are directly and indirectly impacted.Our mission is aligned to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).