Our vision… to become one of the world's leading burner technology innovators that delivers the highest heat transfer efficiency possible with the lowest emissions in numerous applications for the international market.Our mission… to provide proactive and sustainable solutions to organizations looking to improve heat transfer efficiency, combustion performance and emissions.Absolute Combustion International Inc. (ACI) has designed, produced and tested a completely revolutionary, near flameless, burner technology that dramatically improves the key performance characteristics of industrial combustion systems. The Absolute Extreme Burner TM provides a clear and powerful value proposition for the oil & gas industry and other applications. This includes meeting increasing regulatory standards, lower emissions and a reduction of the amount of fuel consumed during normal operation by 30% or more, thereby increasing production efficiency, reducing operational expenses and increasing workplace safety. The Absolute Extreme Burner TM can deliver an Exhaust Velocity Harmonic TM (EVH) that can dramatically increase heat transfer efficiency in a fire-tube application. The ACI burner has 100% combustion efficiency, leaving zero carbon monoxide (CO) emissions in the exhaust stream.