[MTN] was created to deliver the value of innovation, technology and collaboration. Real-time integration of planning and scheduling optimization, and plant control is our mission. Our patented technology and services help our oil refining and petrochemical clients capture enormous new value from optimal integration of planning and control of their plants.For the first time, the cost of operational decisions, computed in near real-time, comes to the refinery "morning meeting" to empower a collaborative optimizing decision process of a refinery operating team. Our patented technology helps oil refining and petrochemical producers close the GAP between Planned and Actual profit. These tools are easily implemented, sustainable by refinery personnel without adding head count, and will generate payback in less than 7 days of operation. A new business process is added to coordinate the specific collaboration between planning, scheduling, operations, control and maintenance required to optimize a refinery. Clients report that they are able to improve refinery performance by at least 25 cents per barrel of feedstock within 1 month of commissioning our products at their site.