The best way to learn about LMAP and our work is to visit our website at LMAP llc publishes the LMAP 360 personality assessment used in executive education programs including at Harvard Business School's Advanced Management Program; Yale School of Management Global Leaders (YGELP), CEO College and custom programs; MGSM (Au); Cornell and Wharton. We work with coaching and consulting firms & directly with corporate clients: Teach for America, Temasek Holdings, Underwriter Laboratories, BearingPoint, Clayton Homes, Denso, Deloitte, PTTEP, and in over 25 healthcare systems. LMAP helps executives understand how their self-perception compares to team perceptions and to an empirical model of leadership effectiveness. LMAP Assessments provide insights and behavioral suggestions on specific ways to enhance their leadership abilities. Even the most hardened executive sits up and pays attention when they read their LMAP Report.Successful companies recognize the importance of developing their leaders and they can choose from an array of assessments. In a market crowded with human capital tools, few actually address the "human" component of human capital. LMAP focuses on the personal and interpersonal behaviors that drive outstanding organizational leadership.* 360 degree feedback reveals gaps in self-perception and team perceptions* Highly-personalized narrative report goes beyond bar charts and numbers* 13 reliable, valid and benchmarked traits displayed in graphic profile* 240 behavioral styles identified* Prominent personality traits and notable blind spots described* Traits identified that operate in the real world as assets or liabilities* Unique leadership style defined by traits interacting with each other