Be Clean As A Whistle, With A Shave By Misel Disel Misel Disel significantly improves your shaving experience more so than ANY product on today's market! Shaving products being advertised have had the consumer believe that a great shave can only be obtained through an emollient-rich cream or gel, a fancy maneuvering razor, or the newest miracle blade! However, after years of research, Misel Disel has discovered the true secret to achieving a great shave…IT'S THE FOUNDATION! As a patent pending and uniquely formulated combination of pure and natural oils, Misel Disel will give you a shave without equal each and every time! Simply continue with your current shaving regimen, with one exception…after wetting the area to be shaved, apply Misel Disel, and then follow your usual shaving routine. Regardless of the cream or gel, or the type of razor that you use, immediately you will realize exactly what a great shave feels like!