Rona Hales

Paraprofessional at North Brunswick Township Public Schools - North Brunswick, New Jersey, US

Rona Hales's Contact Details
(732) 289-3000
New York,New York,United States
North Brunswick Township Public Schools
Rona Hales's Company Details
North Brunswick Township Public Schools logo, North Brunswick Township Public Schools contact details

North Brunswick Township Public Schools

North Brunswick, New Jersey, US • 500 - 999 Employees

Mission Statement The mission of the North Brunswick school district is to educate our students to become independent thinkers and problem solvers, empowered to meet the challenges of our evolving world. The children’s learning will be based in real-life situations in order to develop the skills, life experiences, and self-esteem required to achieve success. Actualization demands that the educational community provide a safe, nurturing environment in which individual and civic responsibility is fostered and diversity is respected. We consider the infusion of digital resources, processes, and learning throughout the curriculum to be a district priority. It is the expectation that all members of North Brunswick’s educational community will proficiently utilize and interact with tools and applications to acquire information, apply higher order cognitive processes, and solve problems. Our curricula, programs, and initiatives will continuously endeavor to include the skills, knowledge, and understandings to be successful in college, career, and life. Themes such as collaboration, digital citizenship, constructivism, and student-centered approaches will be crystallized and integrated throughout the n-12 program.

K 12 Education Public School Educational Resource Student Development Digital Learning College Career Readiness Programs Safe Learning Environment Diversity And Inclusion Critical Thinking
Details about North Brunswick Township Public Schools
Frequently Asked Questions about Rona Hales
Rona Hales currently works for North Brunswick Township Public Schools.
Rona Hales's role at North Brunswick Township Public Schools is Paraprofessional.
Rona Hales's email address is *** To view Rona Hales's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Rona Hales works in the Schools industry.
Rona Hales's colleagues at North Brunswick Township Public Schools are Kayla McDonald, Victoria Powers, Gabriella Bussanich, Abraham Nole, John Suk, Kathleen Moon, Melissa Ccc-Slp and others.
Rona Hales's phone number is (732) 289-3000
See more information about Rona Hales