Ronald Cudd

sspc operator at Auriga Polymers Inc. (Indorama Ventures) - Spartanburg, South Carolina, US

Ronald Cudd's Contact Details
Spartanburg,South Carolina,United States
Auriga Polymers Inc. (Indorama Ventures)
Ronald Cudd's Company Details
Auriga Polymers Inc. (Indorama Ventures) logo, Auriga Polymers Inc. (Indorama Ventures) contact details

Auriga Polymers Inc. (Indorama Ventures)

Spartanburg, South Carolina, US • 211 Employees

Indorama Ventures acquired INVISTA’s North American polymer assets in 2011. Auriga Polymers produces polyester resins and specialty polymers currently used in bottles, trays, sheets, film and textile applications. Bottles made from Auriga’s resins are used for carbonated soft drinks, water, beer, juice, wine and food. Auriga owns the technology for the Crystal Clear Oxygen Barrier Resin, OxyClear®. Another benefit is enhanced research and development (R&D) capabilities with the integration of Auriga’s R&D with IVL’s existing facilities, including AlphaPet and StarPet.

Polyester Chips Specialty Polymers Packaging Sustainable Packaging Carbonated Drinks Producer Beverages Food
Details about Auriga Polymers Inc. (Indorama Ventures)
Frequently Asked Questions about Ronald Cudd
Ronald Cudd currently works for Auriga Polymers Inc. (Indorama Ventures).
Ronald Cudd's role at Auriga Polymers Inc. (Indorama Ventures) is sspc operator.
Ronald Cudd's email address is *** To view Ronald Cudd's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ronald Cudd works in the Chemicals industry.
Ronald Cudd's colleagues at Auriga Polymers Inc. (Indorama Ventures) are Monty Thomas, Michael Kowalske, Scottie Scruggs, Gary Boggess, Tami Burgess, Ty Barrett and others.
Ronald Cudd's phone number is
See more information about Ronald Cudd