TECHNIKA IT SA (the Joint Stock Company) in an innovating tele-informatics company created on 1st July 2009 as a result of division of PTH Technika sp z o.o. (the Limited Liability Company), becoming a legal successor of PTH Technika in scope of computer science and telemetric systems.The cause of this division is to create a technological profile for TECHNIKA IT in scope of:Computer science – producing, integrating, implementing and servicing informatics systems for departments and other units of public and church administration in scope of personal data and electronic documents processing.Telemetry – designing, completing, installing and servicing telemetric systems for hydrology and meteorology and servicing and selling hydrometric and meteorological equipments as an exclusive representative of OTT and Adcon companies.In Technika IT work 25 people; experts in designing and processing personal data and electronic documents and also experts in designing and installing systems for measurements of water parameters and atmospheric conditions in natural habitat.