QuizWizards is an immersive, fun quiz solution that creates value for brands, their sponsors and partners, drives quality fan engagement, helps build customer databases and generates brand revenue. Our quiz platform uses gamification to improve a brand's user experience and engagement, no matter the audience, context or industryYou'll have your fans raving about your brand, engaging them for longer, creating massive social reach and generating quality website and social media traffic.We'll help you create fun, exciting white label quizzes, fully customizable and easily integrated into your website / app.On Facebook, you'll be able to push out special offers, personalised promotions etc directly to everyone who signs up to your quiz, using Facebook's Custom Audiences tool. It's easier to sell to people who already know you and who have recently engaged with your brand. Prizes encourage fans to sign-up, bonus points encourage them to share socially and most will play again as the quizzes are fast and easy to play.Contact sales@quizwizards.com to arrange your 1st quiz!