ABOUT US:Founded in 2001, SMI Safety assures safe and compliant workplaces by providing vendor prequalification and management services, temporary safety staffing services, and expert advice and consultation services. VENDOR PREQUALIFICATION:The SMI Safety web application provides a secure online database to track vendor information in a single location accessible to all of your personnel and departments. Our prequalification system features include:-Document Management-Certificate of Insurance Management-Safety Statistics-Safety Program Information-Vendor Performance Evaluations-Custom Reports-Vendor Safety Program Audits-Custom Online OrientationSAFETY STAFFING:Whether you need help with a construction project or at a general industry facility, SMI Safety will provide on-site safety professionals that are carefully matched to your requirements. We can provide supervisors or technicians for a few hours a week, twenty-four hours a day, three weeks or three years. The flexibility we offer lets you budget safety as a job cost, allowing you to respond to spike demands with complete confidence that your job site safety will be competently managed. We can conduct compliance audits or supplement your in-house safety staff to help manage your safety needs.OUR PEOPLE:We employ only the best professionals in the industry. Each of our team members has a proven background with the experience, expertise and commitment that puts them at the top of their field. Our clients receive the advice they need when they need it so that they can make timely and informed decisions about their safety demands. Our diverse team allows us to fulfill a wide range of client needs, from construction and general industry staffing to safety program development and implementation to vendor information management and prequalification needs.Achieving outstanding client satisfaction is SMI Safety's most important focus.CONTACT:Toll-Free: (888) 444-5357smisafety.com