DIAN S.r.l. (Differential Interferometric Analysis) provides services based on the Synthetic Aperture Radar technology with data acquired by satellite and ground based radar sensors.Our activities are geared to providing remote sensing of natural phenomena and non-destructive infrastructure monitoring services and products with the use of satellite and/or ground based interferometric radar sensors. DIAN supplies its services to large Engineering Companies and Geotechnical consultancy firms, Mining and Quarry management companies, Public Administration bodies, Civil Protection agencies, Geological Surveys, Electric power generation companies and dam management societies, agencies responsible for environmental monitoring.DIAN srl has been certified UNI ISO 9001:2008 (cert. n. 9150.DIA4) for "Development of applications and services for the monitoring of geological phenomena and infrastructures based on interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) technology with spaceborne and ground-based radar sensors"