Life Quality Systems and The Green Energy Collaborative have been created to pursue the expansion of Green Building standards and practices; in doing so, it has been adding like-minded companies since its inception in order to provide a full service facility to developers, builders, contractors, educators, policy makers and homeowners. LQS and the GEC team will host classes on topics ranging from Daylighting Design to Panelized Building Envelopes and Photovoltaics. Our mission is to forge strategic alliances with key industry, research organizations and Federal, state & local government agencies intimately involved in the "Green" building community through which progressive marketing of new and innovative environmental building materials and methods will continue to expand environmental market transformation in all segments of the building industry. The collaborative has been established, in part, to design and implement innovative systems and procedures to modernize electrical systems, heating, ventilating, air conditioning, plumbing, water conservation and all construction elements of building technology in order to improve construction standards and methods throughout the region. LQS and GEC are leaders in "Clean Energy" and "Green Building" design. For more information or interviews, contact Rosario Milana, founder of the GEC and President of Life Quality Systems at 877-947-6797 or