Infinite Ways Network is a community-based social service agency that offers the following vital services:– Comprehensive care planning– Culturally-competent counseling– Community resource coordinationInfinite Ways Network offers services that are built upon a rock solid foundation of decades of social services that embraces the needs of each of its clients.About Us:Infinite Ways Network is a place for families.Infinite Ways Network, Inc. was founded to meet the uniquely diverse mental health needs of Miami. IWN is a multi-tiered social service delivery corporation built on professionalism, compassion, honesty, and integrity. Our agency and staff are dedicated to serving our community's families … in infinite ways.Infinite Ways Network is particularly interested in the needs of Greater Miami's older adults as well as addressing the mental health aspects of obesity.Infinite Ways Network accepts Medicaid.Nou pale Kreyol – Hablamos español___________________________Agency Mission Statement: Infinite Ways Network, Inc. embraces the families it serves with support that helps them develop skills that enhance their lives and promotes cooperative resilience and sustainable wellness in infinite ways.