Movement of the Human (MOTH) is a Movement + Performance Design Company developed by Malia Johnston and her creative collaborators Rowan Pierce, Eden Mulholland and Ian Hammond. The company works in a multidisciplinary way to create and present innovative new performance work in a diverse range of environments ranging from the intimate to large scale. The creative team at MOTH specialise in choreography, new music, AV design + implementation, events, openings, direction, performance, creative branding and concept development. MOTH work on projects locally, nationally and internationally and also collaborates on a regular basis with other artists and organisations who the creative team have long-standing creative partnerships with. We are passionate about working in diverse spaces including urban, architectural, external and the theatrical. We are excited when we can respond to the environments we inhabit from a creative perspective enabling new experiences and understandings to emerge through the art of performance. The MOTH team are recognised for their ground-breaking creative work across the worlds of dance, theatre, film, AV, music, installations, 'happenings', and both recorded and live performance (indoor and outdoor). Movement of The Human is not afraid of different projects or working with people that are keen to investigate and play with new possibilities. At the same time we are also lovers of theatre, galleries and dance spaces.