FEMNET is a non-profit organisation, which stands up for the economic, cultural and social rights of women. The organisation specifically supports women in the garment industry in Asia – women who are fighting for their rights.FEMNET provides educational and awareness seminars in Germany about the working conditions in the garment industry.Women in Bangladesh or India represent the majority of the employees in the garment industry. They especially suffer under the cruel working conditions, like the extremely low wages, the lack of organisational freedom, unpaid and forced overtime, sexual harassment and other forms of gender-specific discrimination as well as insecure employment.Our Working Areas:Garment workers1. The educational project „FairSchnitt. Study(ing) for a socially fair fashion industry" is addressed to students studying fashion in German universities.2. We support the Clean Clothes Campaign. FEMNET is also an active part of the network for corporate accountability (CorA).3. Our solidarity fund collects donations for organisations in Bangladesh and India, which assist the workers and support them in legal matters.Currently we are cooperating and supporting the following organisations: NGWF in Bangladesh Munnade in Bangalore, India Cividep in Bangalore, India4. In Germany FEMNET e.V. informs about the Modern Slavery/Sumangali System and this specific form of exploitation of young women in India.