Rose Wilson

administrative assistant at Philander Smith College - Little Rock, AR, US

Rose Wilson's Contact Details
Philander Smith College
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Philander Smith College logo, Philander Smith College contact details

Philander Smith College

Little Rock, AR, US • 500 - 999 Employees

Established in 1877, Philander Smith College is a private four-year liberal arts institution affiliated with the United Methodist Church and the United Negro College Fund in Little Rock Arkansas with a mission 'to graduate academically accomplished students, grounded as advocates for social justice, determined to change the world for the better.'

Education College/University Colleges and Universities Higher Education
Details about Philander Smith College
Frequently Asked Questions about Rose Wilson
Rose Wilson currently works for Philander Smith College.
Rose Wilson's role at Philander Smith College is administrative assistant.
Rose Wilson's email address is *** To view Rose Wilson's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Rose Wilson works in the Higher Education industry.
Rose Wilson's colleagues at Philander Smith College are Anthony Newkirk, Kim Lambert, Jordan Bailey, Gail Richard, Cynthia Bookwalter, Learmond Chapman, Seij Bailey and others.
Rose Wilson's phone number is ["+15013705363"]
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