Hope for Tomorrow is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization in the southside of Indianapolis. Our mission is to build bridges between the Burmese and American communities through education and service. The vision is to empower refugees from Burma with the resources necessary for them to achieve hopeful, successful futures. The primary services provided by Hope for Tomorrow are:1. After School Programs – Students are offered tutorials and remedial support, enabling them to excel in their coursework. 2. Citizenship Workshops – HFT provides students with techniques that will boost their confidence and ultimate success on the citizenship test. 3. Hope Summer School – In a partnership with Purdue Extension and 4H,students are given hands-on learning opportunities with programs and topics ranging from nutrition to computer science.4. Naturalization Day - On a quarterly basis, Hope for Tomorrow partners with local civil legal aid organizations to provide free legal assistance to those seeking to become U.S. citizens. Volunteer attorneys participate in Naturalization Days to help students of the Hope Citizenship Workshops and other members of the community complete applications for naturalization.5. Night of Burma - Brings education of the Burmese culture to the community about Burmese traditional dress, native food, and dances that exemplify the culture. HFT also hopes this event will increase understanding and appreciation of how far the Burmese people have come. Hope for Tomorrow uses this event as an opportunity to fulfill its mission statement, "Building bridges between the Burmese and American communities".