Sustainable land use projects are a specialty. Science support for waste utilization is Land Profile's core business. Land Profile is active in permit compliance for land development, mitigating impacts to critical areas. We are exploring new and exciting ways to apply soil science skills in the growing dynamic forming around land revitalization, especially urban soils. Preventing soil loss is critical to many of our projects. We are qualified to prepare, monitor performance of, and update Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans.Biochar is a particular interest, and our goal is to see the biochar industry established in the Inland Northwest by 2015, making a biochar enriched compost mulch available for soil revitalization projects. In March, Land Profile joined the Biochar Supreme team, providing sales representation and technical advice. Land Profile, Inc. was incorporated in 1993. Owner Philip Small is a Certified Professional Soil Classifier with 31 years experience in the Inland Northwest, serving Washington, Oregon and north Idaho.