The Michiganensian (‘mi-shi-gen-en-see-in') has been published yearly at the university for over a century. In 2022, we will publish our 126th edition. The first of the annuals published by students at the university was a four-page pamphlet, The University Register, issued in June 1857. This publication contained the names of regents, faculty, graduates, students, and members of the literary and secret societies. During the school year 1858-1859, the first issue of the Palladium was published. The Palladium was published semiannually by a group of seven secret societies or fraternities. It gradually increased in size and content. In 1886, it became a book with illustrations and literary material. Dissatisfied with their treatment in the Palladium, a group of anti-secret society independents published the first issue of The University Castalia in the 1870's. Then in 1894, the senior class of the Law School published an annual, called To Wit, later changed to The Res Gestae. In April 1896, the first issue of the Michiganensian appeared, the result of a consolidation of the Palladium, the Castillian, and The Res Gestae. It has remained ever since the official yearbook of the University of Michigan. The name Michiganensian is somewhat of a mystery, although some say that it means "one who hails to Michigan." It could also be derived from the word "ensign" which is a scribe, one who records events in history.