ellaslist.com.au is a Hyper Local Around-You digital platform aimed solely at Australian Families - connecting them to the best things in their neighbourhood. Launched in 2011, ellaslist connects over 300K parents every month across Sydney & Melbourne and we're growing - fast.Our PurposeWe know raising kids is no mean feat and we all need ton of inspiration, so we spend time discovering the best local kid-friendly events, classes, places to go, news and cool stuff to help parents rock at this gig. By making discovery easier at a hyper-local level, we help families make stronger connections in their local 'villages' which help break social barriers and parenthood isolation. We work hard to help families discover their community & try new things, spend a little less time in front of a screen and build more support networks.To find out more: www.ellaslist.com.au/about-usOur Audience300K UV's across Sydney & Melbourne60K Social Fans30K eDM SubscriberWho we work with:Brands, Services, Venues, PR Companies, Media Agencies, SOHO businessesWe create fun, engaging digital campaigns for businesses and brands with a specific interest in reaching mums in and around Sydney & Melbourne. Work for us?Got kids? - it's awesome to work for us. ellaslist proudly supports working parents by offering really flexible roles that work around School and Childcare Hours. We believe in the 6 hour work day, we believe in flexi start and end times, we believe you should always be able to see your kid get an award at school, or cheer for them at sports day. We believe you should be able to get out the door in time to pick up your kid without getting the evil eye. Search jobs on ellaslist to see our current vacancies