Softek Global Services (SoftekGS) LLC, (formerly known as Softek Solutions Inc.), is a SAP Channel Partner to provide SAP Business ByDesign, SAP Business One, SAP Business One for Cloud (B1 OnDemand), SAP Cloud for Customer (Sales OnDemand, Customer OnDemand, Service OnDemand, Social OnDemand), SAP Cloud for Finance (Finance OnDemand), and SAP Cloud for Travel & Expense (Travel OnDemand) suite of products. Strengthened by our partner alliances, we have the technical knowledge and resources to design, source, configure, implement, and support all of our customers' IT needs. We provide SAP licenses, implementations and development services to our clients. ICEManager is a tool developed by SoftekGS for companies wanted to capture expenses, manage incurred cost bases and pools, and formulate indirect rates. ICEManager was developed keeping US Federal Government Contractors in mind. It is an extended application for SAP Business ByDesign, SAP Cloud for Finance and Business One to support the unique requirements of US federal contractors. ICEManager creates reporting schedules in the ICE format required by DCAA for annual auditing purposes and reduces the overhead burden of an already overworked accounting department. Connect with us:- &