Modern healthcare environment is a very challenging area that demands an experienced partner who can creatively Think how to succesfully deliver innovative solutions in the Health sector using all modern IT advancements, while operating on time and on budget, aiming at providing the best possible outcome.Healthink's mission is to meet this specific demand. Inspired by the synthesis of key words Health, IT and Think and their combined significance to today's healthcare service demands, Healthink was founded to provide high class research, innovation and development services in the health and social care sector. The company possesses significant research experience, having coordinated more than than 25 research projects in various countries, covering fields such as : ehealth, design, development, management, data collection/monitoring, data analysis, evaluation, reporting and dissemination. Healthink collaborates with research/academic institutions and other organisations and offers consultancy services on the above-mentioned fields to health authorities, pharmaceutical companies, to companies involved in health and social care delivery, health organisations/units, regions/municipalities, other research/academic institutions, organisations, and SMEs both locally and internationally.