Roxana Lazo

Gerente de Personas y SHEQ at Mining TAG - Las Condes, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile

Roxana Lazo's Contact Details
Santiago,Santiago Metropolitan Region,Chile
Mining TAG
Roxana Lazo's Company Details
Mining TAG logo, Mining TAG contact details

Mining TAG

Las Condes, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile • 66 Employees

Mejoramos la productividad y seguridad de operaciones mineras a través de la entrega de información oportuna y relevante que nace de sensores en terreno.

Details about Mining TAG
Frequently Asked Questions about Roxana Lazo
Roxana Lazo currently works for Mining TAG.
Roxana Lazo's role at Mining TAG is Gerente de Personas y SHEQ.
Roxana Lazo's email address is *** To view Roxana Lazo's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Roxana Lazo works in the Telecommunications industry.
Roxana Lazo's colleagues at Mining TAG are Andres Rodriguez, Juan Olmos, Misael Huarocc, Viviana Garcia, Natalia Valdes, Axel Gudenschwager, Felipe Munoz and others.
Roxana Lazo's phone number is 56224957780
See more information about Roxana Lazo