Roy Bahat

Head at Bloomberg Beta - San Francisco, New York C, US

Roy Bahat's Contact Details
San Francisco,California,United States
Bloomberg Beta
Roy Bahat's Company Details
Bloomberg Beta logo, Bloomberg Beta contact details

Bloomberg Beta

San Francisco, New York C, US • 20 - 49 Employees
Venture Capital

Bloomberg Beta is an early stage venture capital firm with $150M under management, capitalized solely by Bloomberg. The fund exists to expand Bloomberg's horizons by investing in companies that make business work better, with a focus on machine intelligence.We run our fund in unorthodox ways to build trust with founders: We're a corporate-backed fund that invests to make money. We experiment with the limits of transparency -- instead of a normal website, we open sourced our entire operating manual. We measure success by our founders' customer service ratings of us.Bloomberg Beta has an unconventional investing model where anyone on the team can say yes to a deal. The investing partnership has an equal female-to-male ratio.Read our full internal operating manual here:

Details about Bloomberg Beta
Frequently Asked Questions about Roy Bahat
Roy Bahat currently works for Bloomberg Beta.
Roy Bahat's role at Bloomberg Beta is Head.
Roy Bahat's email address is *** To view Roy Bahat's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Roy Bahat works in the Venture Capital & Private Equity industry.
Roy Bahat's colleagues at Bloomberg Beta are Jisu Choi, Cody McCauley, Maria Sharp, Karin Klein, Angela Martin, Amber Yang and others.
Roy Bahat's phone number is N/A
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